Sentences - reported speech


Reported speech is when you "report" (tell someone else) about what someone else has said, but not in the exact words.

In the exact words (direct speech) it is: She said: "I'll get back to you on that"

In reported speech, you say: She said that she would get back to me on that.


The assignment:

Step 1: Go to the Magister ELO and watch the video about "Direct and indirect speech" (video 12) on the ELO whilst taking notes in your notebook.


Step 2: Click on the links below and do the exercises you find there. Please write your scores below the notes on this subject in your notebook.

Reported speech 1

Reported speech 2

Reported speech 3

Reported speech 4

Reported speech 5


Step 3: Did you do well? Then continue with the "passive" page.

Didn't do so well? Do some extra practise on :