Is this the end of grammar?


Wow! You've done it! You have struggled trough all those difficult grammar subjects. If you've done well, you won't have any problems with the grammar from Gold First. If you come across a difficult subject in the book and you can't exactly remember, you can of course always watch the video about that part again or re-read your notes. 

To give you some extra help, there are videos on each subject in the book per chapter, on the ELO (below all the videos of this grammar course).


Besides doing better with the grammar exercises in Gold First, you can also use all this grammar to be a better English speaker and writer! Besides that, you will get all the nuances (small differences) when reading a text.


From now on, grammar exercises will be homework. If you need a review explanation, you can get your notes from this grammar course out or watch the videos we've put on the ELO for each chapter from Gold First. 

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